Unlike the older generations, younger people nowadays consider online dating to be one of the best ways to find a romantic partner. While this meeting someone new option has its downsides and risks, it also provides several benefits and opportunities that have helped many people finally write their own love story.
However, it should not be forgotten that in addition to choosing the right time for the meeting, it is equally important to answer honestly the question: do you really want to meet this person and whether it would be a girl (or boyfriend) meeting in something more. Properly assessing how someone treats you online will help you make wise decisions about meeting or screening a potential candidate.
You may have been talking for a long time and know each other almost well, but the first meeting face to face is sure to be a whole new experience. Meeting someone offline for the first time can be awkward. You no longer have the luxury of coming up with thoughtful answers and witty one-lines.
This is where you need to make real contact with them if you want to move forward. We've all heard stories from friends about how their dating was great while texting online, but the real date with them turned out to be absolutely terrible. But if you think you've made a real online connection, you should be able to connect and relate to yourself in person as well.
- Maintain reasonable expectations: avoid overdoing it and keep reasonable expectations. When you are chatting with someone online, it's normal to fantasize about how it might be in person. You automatically begin to judge their personality through chat messages, which can often lead to the development of a rather distorted image of your partner in your mind. You can stop overestimating their charm and other qualities. It is advisable to maintain reasonable expectations during the first face-to-face meeting. Don't expect too much and don't think about it. Remember that for an unforgettable encounter you need to have fun, and if you are constantly analyzing your partner it can get in the way of having a good time.
- Pick a place you both like: this is an important tip for your first offline meeting. Finding a place they both like each other can be a task. A romantic dinner and drinks are very useful when it comes to dating and helping to get in touch when you meet face to face for the first time. But if you think it is more suitable for the two of you, choose it! Don't be afraid to do something out of the box if you think you'll enjoy your date.
- Dress to impress: this is the first time you meet this person. They've probably seen the best of you in the photos they uploaded to the app. Needless to say, you compete with yourself in good lighting and flattering angles. Of course you have to dress well! But at the same time, don't get dressed as it looks like you're trying too hard. Think about the meeting point and dress appropriately.
- Say hello to them appropriately: A very common question in the minds of many people is "How should I behave when I first meet a guy or a girl?" Should you cuddle when you visit them? Maybe lean in to a kiss on the cheek? Greeting cheek kisses are not very common in India, so we suggest you avoid them. The most appropriate way to greet another person is to say hello and give them short hugs. Remember that you are absolutely no stranger and have had endless online conversations. Based on these interactions, evaluate your comfort level with that person, and then choose a greeting style.
- Plan an activity and place of interest: This is your first meeting, so make sure you both have a good time. As? Perhaps all of your online conversations have revealed a few things about you and the other person: your shared interests, hobbies, favorite foods and activities, etc. Use the information gathered during online interactions and find the most suitable place and ideal activity that fits the definition of the perfect first day together.
- Prepare a few conversation starters: you wonder what to say when you meet this person for the first time. Especially if you are a bit shy this can be a challenge. Meeting someone offline for the first time can be awkward. So it's best to have a few breakers and conversation attachments on hand, rather than stuttering and stumbling over your words. Asking them about your favorite movies, TV shows, travel destinations, etc. can be a great way to get started. Perhaps your online conversations covered the basics of your "getting to know" phase. Therefore, when meeting face to face, create a positive atmosphere by talking about things that can bring out both of your optimistic sides. It can be about your personal goals and how you plan to achieve them, things that make you happy, or people that inspire you. Talking about something that brings out the best in you makes the experience desirable and, more importantly, unforgettable.
- Be present: one of them is distraction. If you use your phone the first time you meet someone face to face, you really shouldn't be surprised if something doesn't work out between you. A guaranteed way to spend a romantic time is presence. Make sure you give your partner full attention and listen to what he says. Hear their stories and share your own! Be present and show your interest in making this meeting truly unforgettable for both you and them.
- Learn when to speak and when to listen: don't dominate the conversation, no matter how interesting your ideas are. Also, give them the opportunity to express their thoughts. In other words, the conversation should be as interactive as possible. More importantly, find out which substances are suitable and which are not. Some people will feel attacked if you ask for their personal and intimate details immediately. Do not rush. You made it here.
- Don't be afraid to compliment them: as you probably get a little bit of their appearance. Don't be afraid to appreciate it. After all, who doesn't like getting compliments? However, make sure your compliments are appropriate and that you are not making sexual comments. It could be a breach of contract.
- Be yourself: remember to be yourself. Don't try to impress the other person by being someone you are not. It will come false and genuine. Remember that no one can offer what you have to offer: your raw, original, authentic self. Be confident in your behavior and let your personality shine through.
- Correct body language is important: our body language says a lot about us. It is important that you learn your body language while dating and also maintain correct body language yourself. Bend down to show interest in them and what they say. If you notice they are sloping, pick up.
Reflecting other people's body language, speech, gestures, etc. can help you show interest. It is a psychological phenomenon that, if done correctly, can be used to build strong contact with other people.
You've been waiting for this moment to finally meet them in person - what is happening now? This is the stage where you need to ask yourself a few questions about whether to take your relationship to the next level or decide to just befriend them.
As mentioned in the previous section, maybe you can try and try something else? If that doesn't work properly, you have to decide what to do. If you think your meeting was special, you know what to do.
Remember that the way people present themselves on the Internet can be completely different than they really are. Therefore, your experience of meeting someone you just met online for the first time can easily create or break a budding relationship - so if you don't want to lose that person, make sure you do your best to make a good impression.
Ask lots of questions! The purpose of a face-to-face meeting is to get to know each other better. Since the person may be more aloof in person than they were online, be prepared to ask questions to get them to open up. If you are relating to a conversation you had online, you can make both of you more comfortable. You will be able to connect the person in front of you with the conversations you had before. For example, you might say, "I remember you told me Radiohead was your favorite band. Have you heard that they are playing a concert here in a few months? "
The way someone communicates on the Internet says a lot about what type of person they are and what their style and lifestyle are. Pay close attention to messages that mention your values and what you expect from your relationship.
Join his social skill level. It is only when you have some knowledge on these topics that you make a decision as to whether you are a good fit and whether a potential date will not be a big disaster. For example, his too frequent, sexually suggestive comments may suggest that the guy is looking for the casual sex he expects on a first date. If someone is very passionate about sexual initiation and you are looking for something serious, give it up.
If the other person does not respect your boundaries, requires you to constantly spend time responding (even during working hours), you are obsessed with asking questions about where you live or where you work - be careful. These are red flags. While it is undoubtedly an exciting feeling, it is better to save energy for the next better matches. If you choose to meet, take your safety into account when scheduling meetings. The first meeting should only be held in public places.
Do not agree to a home meeting or car pickup. No matter how tempting it may be to meet in a secluded place or end an evening with someone else in your apartment, it's worth slowing down and getting to know each other.First, there are obvious security concerns for this. Second, even if you don't feel like you are in danger, such dating can be awkward or tense. If this happens, you can ask a friend to contact you in an emergency to give you a chance; however, this technique should only be used when you feel you need to do so to avoid a loud confrontation or lengthy dialogue about why things are not going well. If you are ready to make only calling for the night as there is no connection, then be right.
The best way to get in touch with someone is to have fun. Laugh, have fun, and remember that dating should be a fun experience. Don't spend the evening wondering if you are making contact or not.